Tack för alla bidrag och en status uppdatering / Thanks for all the contributions and a status report.
About Johanna Larson
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Johanna Larson contributed 19 entries already.
Entries by Johanna Larson
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/in Okategoriserade/by Johanna LarsonSorry this page is not available in English
Adress /Faktura
Föreningen Svenskbyborna
c/o GTLND Balans & Redovisning AB
Sotaregatan 3
621 53 VISBY
Plusgiro: 187879-2
Swish: 123 437 61 41
Org: 834000-9201
Roma Prästgården 701
Sofia Hoas, Ordförande
Mobil: 070-7865174
E-mail: kontakt@svenskbyborna.se
Bokning av Svenskbygården:
Lilian Jakobsson
Mobil: 0704-21 73 22
E-mail: lilianjakobsson@hotmail.com