4 oktober
Rapport. Gammalsvenskby är åter strömlöst. Oron i byn är stor. Under hela natten har ryska armén rullat in med mycket material. De har bosatt sig i skolan och i tomma bostadshus. De installerar nu luftvärn i byn. Troligen kommer de från den norra fronten, som nu omgrupperats söderut. Den ukrainska armén bröt, som vi tidigare rapporterat om, igår igenom fronten norr om byn och befriade området 25 km ner till Dudchany som ligger vid Dnjepr, 25 km norr om byn.
Report. Gammalsvenskby is without power again. The anxiety in the village is great. Throughout the night, the Russian army rolled in with a lot of material. They have settled in the school and in empty apartment buildings. They are now installing air defenses in the village. They probably come from the northern front, which has now regrouped to the south. The Ukrainian army, as we previously reported, yesterday broke through the front north of the village and liberated the area 25 km down to Dudchany, which is on the Dnieper, 25 km north of the village.